Al-Safiir 2023-09-03T22:05:08+03:00 Dr. Habib Ur Rehman Open Journal Systems <div class="features-coloured-icon-boxes-featurecol cp6cols"> <p class="">Al-Safiir is devoted to the publication of articles concerned with the Religious and contemporary Muslim World. It is intended to serve as a means of communication between teachers, research workers, planners, administrators and all others interested in the problems associated with Muslim World.</p> </div> The Integration of Islamic Philosophy and Modern Psychology in Ibn Sina's Concept of Marriage 2023-09-03T21:56:03+03:00 Asif Iqbal <p>The objective of this qualitative research is to explore the notion of marriage as understood by Ibn Sina, and to examine the potential synthesis between Ibn Sina's perspective and John Bradshaw's modern psychological understanding of marriage, as presented in their respective written works. Upon conducting a comprehensive analysis of many sources, the writers have determined that Ibn Sina overlooked several topics that were extensively examined by John Bradshaw. This study asserts that the integration of multidisciplinary studies is necessary to supplement Islamic knowledge and modern studies, hence facilitating a comprehensive discourse.</p> 2022-09-03T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Al-Safiir The Challenges of a Sociological Investigation of Transportation's impact on Society 2023-09-03T22:05:08+03:00 Ruban Malook <p>The article set out to assess the Social Studies and Management Department at Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (MADI) with an eye toward incorporating transportation sociology into the university's arts and social sciences curriculum. The document also aimed to include these themes into the academic calendar for the social sciences and humanities. The author of this text aimed to create something that would please readers in the modern period while also taking into account the university will use cutting-edge pedagogical tools in accordance with the concepts of transdisciplinary and integrated learning. On the other hand, explained how studying transport sociology helps educators provide pupils with a theoretically grounded view of social reality. You need to convey this material in class in a style that is easily digestible by your students. places where theorizing about transportation meets doing it The lessons are blended together, with the emphasis placed on the topics that have the most resonance with the students. In these parts of the world, the passage of time is a factor. transportation in the context of a coronavirus pandemic, how people act while using transportation, how transportation systems function, etc. The ability to effectively communicate the educational value of an effective transportation system is crucial. The significance of taking transportation's social function into account.</p> <p>Keys word: &nbsp;university education, the road construction industry, interdisciplinary, pedagogical innovation, and social responsibility.</p> 2023-09-03T22:05:08+03:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Al-Safiir Spatial Configuration and the Islamic Philosophy 2023-09-03T21:32:31+03:00 Rubab Naeem Mis Amna <p>The primary objective of this study is to demonstrate the potential of Islamic philosophy in offering viable solutions to address the issues of intolerance, radicalism, and extremism within the context of Indonesia. This implies that the instruction of Islamic philosophy within the nation has effectively influenced students' perspectives and mental frameworks, which typically exhibit closed-mindedness, exclusivity, and extremism when perceiving disparities in religions, sects, and beliefs, to adopt open-mindedness, inclusivity, and moderation. The academic programs of Islamic Theology and Philosophy (ITP) provide students and graduates with rational, critical, and comprehensive teachings, fostering a more favorable disposition towards comprehending and appreciating multiplicity and diversity. The transformation in thinking and attitude is a consequence of a curriculum design that incorporates moderate ideals, employs critical-dialectical teaching approaches, and provides direct experiences in diversity. This study employs a field research approach utilizing qualitative methodology, and employs purposive sampling with a snowballing technique to determine the participants for the study. In order to gather primary data, the data collection methods employed encompass in-depth interviews conducted with a total of 28 individuals who serve as resource persons. These individuals consist of lecturers, students, and alumni affiliated with five study programs within the context of Indonesian Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). Additionally, field observations and a review of relevant literature are utilized as supplementary data collection instruments.</p> <p><strong>Keyword-</strong> Islamic philosophy; religious</p> 2022-09-03T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Al-Safiir AL-Farabi's Perspective on the Islamic Scientific Philosophical Tradition 2023-09-03T21:37:27+03:00 Majid Iqbal Shah Nawaz <p>Philosophy that begins with reason is at odds with religion, which begins with revelation and frequently generates ideological resistance. The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between reason-based philosophy and Islamic knowledge derived from God's word. The goal of this research is described through a review of the literature, which includes both primary and secondary sources. According to this approach, Al-Farabi's philosophical ideas, such as emanation theory, political theory, and metaphysical theory, are capable of connecting philosophical conceptions with religious science. Science, according to Al-Farabi, is the result of thinking on diverse observations of the five senses and ideas on various physical occurrences. Al-Farabi had also studied philosophy and accepted Islamic texts with reason and reasoning. The reciprocal relationship in terms of truth according to philosophy and the concept of haqq in Islam, philosophers and imams, as well as the similarity of the concept of State offered by philosophy and its relationship with religion which teaches one to obey. against the government, is among the evidence that states the relationship between philosophy and religion according to Al-Farabi. This research helps to bring peace amongst the conflicting groups of religion and philosophy.</p> 2023-09-03T21:37:27+03:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Al-Safiir What is Islamophobia and how much is there? Theorizing and measuring an Emerging comparative concept 2023-09-03T21:47:27+03:00 Sara Gul Asma Abid <p>Islamophobia is a recently recognized notion within the field of social sciences, namely in the realm of comparative analysis. However, a universally recognized definition of Islamophobia that allows for comprehensive comparative and causal analysis has not been established. This article delves into the examination of the utilization of the term Islamophobia throughout public and intellectual discourse, highlighting the existence of these discourses across many platforms. The provided statement further utilizes research on the creation of concepts, prejudice, and related manifestations of status hierarchies in order to present a practical definition of Islamophobia within the realm of social science. This definition characterizes Islamophobia as the manifestation of indiscriminate unfavorable attitudes or feelings specifically targeted against Islam or individuals identifying as Muslims. The paper examines the suitability of various metrics for assessing Islamophobia and highlights the advantages of conceptual development in facilitating comparative and causal analysis.</p> 2023-09-03T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Al-Safiir