عصرحاضرمیں سفارتکاری کےرہنما اصول اوران اطلاق PRINCIPLES OF DIPLOMACY AND THEIR APPLICATION IN THE PRESENT ERA

  • ڈاکٹرہدایت خان ؍ ڈاکٹراحمدرضا**


It has been tried to discuss Islamic diplomacy in contemporary era in the light of Seerah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). This institution has been established to negotiate between the state rather than individuals. This institution has a long history and importance. Prophet (PBUH) has respected diplomatic came when they to Him from other states.  Significance and historical background of the above mentioned titled has been presented. This article covered some important topics relating to the diplomacy like selection of ambassador, qualification, duties and responsibilities of diplomatic. It has been also strived to discuss principles of Islamic Diplomacy, like completion of mission with affection, sincere with the cause, do research before action, consultation with the ministers and advisors, and care about protocol. This article differentiated between Islamic Diplomacy and other diplomacies

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