"بيان تسامحات الشيخ الألباني في تضعيف أحاديث "الأدب المفرد" للإمام البخاري" (دراسة تحقيقية لأحاديث ضعيف الأدب المفرد) A CRITICAL STUDY OF SHAYKH AL-BANI’S CRITICISM ON THE AHADITH OF AL-ADAB AL-MUFRID BY IMAM AL-BUKHARI

  • شاہ نواز ؍ دکتور نعیم انورالازھری**


The early generations of the companions of the Prophet and their followers Tabi’ in and Taba al- Tabi’in attempted to preserve the Prophetic traditions. Later on Muhadditheen collect and compiled the Hadith collections according to their best abilities. The most important collections are Sihah Sitta, the most authentic six books, in the field of hadith.  Sheikh Abū 'Abd Rahman Nāsir al Dīn Albānī is the one, who challenged the authenticity Sihah, Sitta and other books of Hadith such as al- Adab al-Mufrād , al-Targheb wa-Tarhaib. Sheikh al-Albānī divided the Adab al Mufrad into Sahīh and Da’īf Al-Adab al Mufrad. He did Takhrīj of ahadīth relying on his own books and sayings for argumentation, I have founded some errors and mistakes during the editing of the ahadīth of Da’īf Al-Adab al Mufrad. This article analyzes the work of Sheikh al Albānī and his criticism on the authenticity of the Prophetic hadiths of al-Adab ul Mufrid.

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