الإنسانية والدين
Allah has made all human beings the same, the needs of all human beings are the same, and whatever role a person plays in the world, he separates him from other human beings. The universe has made people strong, some weak, some healthy, some sick, some rich, some poor, some worldly, and some ignorant, so that they may know who among them is patient, thankful, and obedient to humanity. Those who are associated with God put good manners, which is the path of scholars and intellectuals, or bad manners, which is the path of one who becomes a sign. In fact, humanity is not present in every living human being. Some people are human but their personality is worse than that of animals. The word humanity means helping other human beings. To be rich, help the poor, be strong, support the weak, be healthy, serve the sick, correct ignorance by becoming a scholar, thank the Creator in all circumstances, and worship Him. This is the path in which the righteous person is present, and this is the path that will lead to seeking forgiveness for the man in the Hereafter.
الدين الأول هو الإنسانية التي تربط إنسانًا بإنسان آخر ولهذا السبب نحن جميعًا مرتبطون ببعضنا البعض.
ما هي الإنسانية؟ (الأشخاص المولودون من الإنسانية لهم أديانهم الخاصة ولكن أول دين لكل إنسان هو الإنسانية) والمبدأ الأول والأهم للإنسانية هو عبادة وطاعة من خلقك. يجب الاعتراف بأن الخالق جعل الكون جميع البشر متساوين ، فلا أحد أدنى منه أو أعلى منه