لغة أساس الشيء وفي اصطلاح الفقهاء هو الحكم الكلي أو الأكثري The language of the basis of the thing and in the terminology of the jurists is the total or major ruling
Language is a communication tool used by everyone in their daily life as a means to convey information and arguments to others. In this case, the language cannot be separated from culture because language represent its nation and has close relation to the attitude or behavior of groups of speakers of the languages. The role of language as a tool to express culture reality can be seen from: 1) Language is part of culture, 2) Even the language and the culture is in different, but have a very close relationship, 3) Language is strongly influenced by culture, and 4) Language significantly influence culture and way of thinking of people living within. In the communication, language used by people is influence their culture or vice versa.